
Random Musings

Grumpie Seriousnote was on a rather somber mood, "What is happening to this world? Another hostage situation, another struggle to meet no ends, Sigh!! And they say it is holiday season, festive time..huh."

A New Beginning

Part 1:  The North Wind Part 2:  The Tiger Eye Part 3:  Mystical Butterfly This is Part 4 finale of the series. ********************************************************************************* The stars were contemplating to drowse off in the early Autumn sky. There was a cool morning breeze, and the breeze ushered in a Traveler back home. A girl stepped out of a car. She was fair, with streaks of dark brown hair. The old bells at the gate chimed softly. An old man tucked in his bed, deep asleep, opened his eyes and looked towards the door through which faint light came into his room. And there was a sparkle in his old green eyes, a soft smile flashing across his lips.

কেন, মা...

মা, এত রক্ত কেন? এত অন্ধকার কেন? নব জগতের নব আলো, আমি দেখি না কেন?

The Onlooker of the Lights

As I stare out from the window Of my closed dark room, City lights sparkle. Be in happiness or in gloom, I sit every evening to witness this show.

Sunny side up!

As I walk from home to office, everyday during the cold winter mornings, I find myself walking on the sunny side of the road, along with a myriad of people – some street smart folks, some enjoying their morning drag, some health conscious beings jogging their way along the harbor and some professionals like me bustling their way to work – all on the sunny side of the road.

In Pursuit

This is my attempt at trying to capture the constant thirst for answers to the questions we often ask ourselves. Although, we are never sure if the answers we have is precise, the pursuit of our answers is a journey in itself. A little girl once asked, Who do I fear most? For whom should I care? What makes the sun so bright and the moon so fair?


Just the other day, traversing through piles of online materials, I came across this new term - Kintsukuroi (n.) (v.phr.) "to repair with gold"; The art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.