The Onlooker of the Lights

As I stare out from the window
Of my closed dark room,
City lights sparkle.
Be in happiness or in gloom,
I sit every evening to witness this show.

I see bright lights at the happy homes,
Imagine the clattering of plates,
As dinner is laid out on the table.
It's Friday and friends have come over,
So I presume.

I see dim lights and the lovely twosome,
Out on their balcony,
Enjoying a glass of wine.
Really, each moment you spend with your loved one,
Is a treasure in the chest of time.

The office lights shine from the skyscrapers,
The traffic lights flash red and green,
The cars zoom past,
Bright white, soft white, nearly blue,
I assay their lumen from their hue.

An then, the solitary light at the distance,
Lonesome, calls out to me..
I look at it and wonder,
What is it there for?
I wonder, what is it meant to be?

I turn around to look in,
At my own dark room.
Maybe now I should chime in.
To the vast array of city lights,
Here I add my own plume.

And I wish for the distant onlooker,
Someone, somewhere, like me,
May you be happy in your pursuit.
It is not for nothing that one looks out,
To see the sparkle of the lights all about.


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