12 tips for everything

This is a post for all the wonderful ladies out there..Happy Holiday season!!

As the year end approaches, people tend to get reflective of how the past year went, what needs to be changed in the New Year, Revolutions, Resolutions, so on and so forth. And then there are some of us, who just have to come up with ways to keep the Devil's workshop out for lunch. So here it is..

12 tips for everything:

1. Smile often, laugh open.

2. Make the time to look at yourself.

3. You want to try that new hairdo? Try it today!

4. Go pamper yourself, a spa day is the least that you deserve.

5. A manicure and a pedicure sure includes a lot of cure :)

6. Get them, those shiny nails. Or paint them dark, like a Rockstar that you are!

7. Invest in good dresses.

8. Indulge in good shoes.

9. Be happy and content. Pat your back for the awesome stunts you pull everyday ;-)

10. Accept the fact that you are sensitive, and empathy is your strength.

11. Change is the thumb rule. Remember tough times don't last, tough people do.

12. Whatever be the situation, you will steer through, you know you always do!

Please excuse my doodles ;-)


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