When Hunger Calls

A normal unsuspecting Weekday evening is the time when the zombie in me reels up its head, scraping for food along the alleys of my workplace.

Yes, when craving calls, I don't mind that last piece of pizza lying in the box or the cupcake that's awaiting its turn to be eaten at the pantry table :-)

Did I say, I don't mind? Read, I am delighted!!

But, some days aren't as productive and I return back to my desk, empty handed.
I look around. There is nothing to entice my tummy. There is an apple in my bag. But, my mother is a doctor, how can I keep her away?

I concentrate on my work. The zombie within dies a slow, but sure death...or so I think, until I reach home, the aroma from the neighbor's kitchen seeps into my room, and there I go all zombie once again!


Hang on! Today is Friday...and I am still at work!! The zombie within feels optimistic. Party sounds are heard..There could be a better chance today!

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