
A strange beckoning

In the silence of the night, soft waves rock my boat as I cross the purple waters of the river to the other side. All I can hear is the water splashing against the oar of the small wooden boat. The tall oarsman is hooded by the darkness. I can't see his face. His long thin hands meticulously row the boat.

What’s with the Mars, anyway?

Hey diddle diddle, The Cat and the fiddle, The Cow jumped over the moon. The little Dog laughed, To see such sport, And the Dish ran away with the Spoon. Now whether the Cows have developed as much to jump over the moon or not, our men definitely have much to rejoice as they are not too far away from reaching their homeland, Mars!

My first post

What is it that makes one think "Well, this is the time I start blogging."?