
Showing posts with the label women

Future Unfeigned

There was a wise old man, Who sat under a tree, spick and span. Children played around him, Clustered chirps and cherry blossom swings.

Valentine verse

Valentine's day is here, With romantic souls declaring love near and far. "Oh it's love", they say, "The crazy, undying kind, Which cannot be tempered by the rain or wind" Oh silly, silly mind!

The lost cry

I had my father's eyes, As blue as the sky. He named me Narin, The sister of Yazdin.

The Veiled Ethics

It was early morning, around 4 am and the marriage ceremony was finally over. The bride and the groom were ushered into another room, while the rest of us, the " baraati ", walked downstairs and waited for our vehicles near the entrance gate, which was so well lit up last evening, but now had only few sleepy stray dogs and an artillery of mosquitoes doing the rounds. Yes, the festivities were over.

কেন, মা...

মা, এত রক্ত কেন? এত অন্ধকার কেন? নব জগতের নব আলো, আমি দেখি না কেন?

Black Sheep

This is for all those who dare to stand out in a crowd. Be it in their personal life or the society we live in, they strive to do what is right and fight for their right. “The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.” ~C. JoyBell C. You bow down your head today, Because you dared what others dreaded. So that you may rise tomorrow, Like a phoenix from the ashes.