
The Tainted Spotlight

After being asked about a hundred times about what I thought about the documentary "India's Daughter", I finally had to write this down. All the ruckus about the documentary India's Daughter only reiterates one phrase - Much Ado about Nothing. Now before being bombarded with all sorts of negative comments, let me make one thing clear, my solidarity lies where yours lie too - with the Nation, with the women of the Nation, with the women all over the World and with those good men who fall through the wormhole of generalization.

Yes, We Gave It Back

Times Now had to stoop down to a new low in journalism - by trying a desperate attempt to Shame our Men in Blue by firing the Twitter trend #ShamedInSydney. What they did not realize was the fact that it would come to bite them when Twitter hit back with the trend #ShameOnTimesNow.

Don't worry. She'll be alright.

Seeing my colleague rush off from work after he got a call from his daughter's daycare that she isn't well, immediately put me on a flashback mode.

Pandora's Love

On Valentine's day many people take it as a time out to thank and share some love with their loved ones - partners, friends and family.

This day, that year

This day, that year, A girl was getting ready Amidst the commotion, Her heart was steady.

My take on Religion

Religion (noun): The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. So says the Oxford dictionary. I believe, my religion is a beautiful ensemble of a way of life.

Random Musings

Grumpie Seriousnote was on a rather somber mood, "What is happening to this world? Another hostage situation, another struggle to meet no ends, Sigh!! And they say it is holiday season, festive time..huh."